
色や素材の持つ力を効果的に活用するデザイン事務所STUDIO BYCOLORを主宰。2002年千葉大学工学部デザイン工学科卒業、オフィス家具メーカー勤務を経て現在に至る。German Design Award、DFAアジアデザイン賞、DIA Top100、グッドデザイン賞受賞、LEXUS NEW TAKUMI PROJECT2016選出等。千葉大学、法政大学デザイン工学部にて非常勤講師、グッドデザイン賞審査員を務める。
Kaori Akiyama founded STUDIO BYCOLOR, a design office that effectively utilizes the attractiveness of colors and materials. She graduated from the Department of Design Science, Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University in 2002, and after working for an office furniture manufacture in Japan, until present. She has won the German Design Award, DFA Asian Design Award, DIA Top100, GOOD DESIGN AWARD, and was selected for LEXUS NEW TAKUMI PJ 2016. She is a part-time lecturer at the Department of Design Science, Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University and the Department of Engineering and Design,Faculty of Engineering and Design, Hosei University. In 2021, she was a GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2021 Jury Member.
Rhinoceros is I really like because of the high cost performance . It can also be used without the burden freelance designer .
It can be manufactured in a short time data for sharing images . On the other hand it can be passed to make a close data into a final shape .Also it is one of the attractive things that can be output directly passed through a 3D printer .
Because many users of Rhinoceros , it is not troubled exchange of data . It may also be compatible with the rendering software .