・ルアーマガジン タックル オブ ザ イヤー
・2004 グッドデザイン賞受賞
VS-3080 Meiho Chemical Industry Co., ltd.
Developed against the PLANO brand, which is the worldwide brand in those kinds of products.
Having the original function (Double Locking System), many users have supported VS-3080 since it was released.
Won the first place on the Tackle of the Year on the Lure Magazine (Won both for 2003, 2004)
Won the G-mark (Good Design Award) 2004
1985年3月大阪デザイナー専門学校/工芸工業デザイン科卒業。同年 4月大阪の工業デザイン事務所に入社、1997年9月退社、アイディアルデザイン設立、現在に至る。
Graduated from Industrial Art dept. of Osaka Designers College in 1985.
Joined an industrial design office in Osaka, left September 1997, and set up the Ideal DESIGN OFFICE.
After setting up the office, installing Mac OS and beginning 3D, I found a problem in data translation. So I switched to Rhino, which was reviewed in design or CAD magazines about the cost-effectiveness and the sophistication in those days, after evaluated Rhino at the seminar.
The cost-effectiveness is very important for a private design studio, so it is one of the factors I use Rhino. Another factor is that Rhino has the good ability of output the data to various kinds of CAD systems for our clients.
I can show the realistic proposal of products to my clients.
Because I can work while checking the capacity of the product by the analysis function and also considering the interference and the structure of parts, they help us to improve my operating efficiency, and I can review the model until almost the final product is created.
Rhino supports our designing work by using it accessorily to create the explanation drawing and the product drawing.
Rhino is excellent for outputting the data, so I can translate the data smoothly to whatever CAD/CAM software, and many other reasons.